But do relax and you can fully manipulate.

Generally, these programs are easy to use though turn out to be a scary command prompt to newbie. The most popular programs are Windows Password Reset 6.0 etc. These programs cost some bucks, but are worthy and better than to reinstall the OS causing consequences. If you forgot all user passwords and failed to log onto Windows, there is no other way but to format the OS and reinstall Windows, or resort to sort of software tools to remove the password and log onto Windows. Guest account may help to log onto Windows, but it has no privilege for you to do the above to reset the administrator’s password. Your administrator’s password is successfully reset. Click Proceed in the dialog, in the pop-up, enter a New Password and confirm it. Right click the computer icon on your desktop, select Manage, find Local Users and Groups, unfold Users folder, right click Administrator, click Set password… in the menu comes up. If you forget the administrator’s password but still can log on Windows with other user names that have administrative privileges, you may follow the instructions below: